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SBC Meeting Notes-9/29/2021

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Randolph School Building Committee

2021-09-29_LyonsES_SBC_Meeting Notes

Project: Randolph Lyons Meeting Date: 9/29/2021
Time: 1:08 PM Meeting Location: Zoom
Meeting: School Building Committee Report By: Tieshia Walton
Attending: Ida Gordon, Chair (IG)*
(Andrea Nixon, Vice Chair (AN)*
William Alexopoulos *
Thea Stovell (TS)*
Ron Lum*
Brian Howard (BH)*
Carlos Colley (CC)*;
Thomas Gatzunis/Daedalus;
Randall Luther/TSKP
Keith Wortzman (KW)*
Jesse Saylor/TSKP
Yugon Kim/TSKP
* Building Committee Member

Absent: Lisa Millwood,
Mohamed Shaker/TSKP
Adam Smith (AS)*
Cindy Sypher Lopez- (CL)*,
Tieshia Walton/Daedalus
Jesse Saylor,
Josh Teas/TSKP


1. The meeting was called to order by the Vice Chair Andrea Nixon at 1:08 PM
2. Schematic Design Updates:

a. The Schematic Design Submittal was submitted to the MSBA on September 8, 2021. The group updated the Building Committee regarding a conference call with the MSBA, Ron Lum will review if the individual parcels will be required to be combined into one large parcel.  CHA and TSKP will review the budget line items that the MSBA requested additional information on.

b. Jesse Saylor reviewed the Walk Boston report, and the offsite recommendations that were recommended. Ron Lum requested the Building Committee review and provide comments on each recommendation. The Building Committee comments would be provided to Brian Howard for further action by the Town. Ron Lum asked if Old Street could be made into a two  way for part of its length. After discussion it was recommended that traffic patterns would be reviewed at a subsequent meeting. Keith Wortzman made a motion seconded by Ron Lum to accept the Walk Boston Report, with the understanding that each recommendation would be reviewed and acted upon by the Building Committee at a future date. The motion carried unanimously.


3. School Committee/Town Council Feedback:

a.  All who attended the School Committee/Town Council meeting felt the presentation went well. William Alexopoulos asked if a permanent generator was included in the project. Jesse Saylor explained that the project includes connection for the Town’s temporary generator to be connected to the building if required. William asked for pricing to include a permanent generator so the building could serve as a warming/cooling center in the future. Brian indicated that he received positive feedback from members present as well as from members of the Community. Thea Stovell reported that the presentation will be translated into Vietnamese she is also looking for other Community volunteers to translate it to other languages as well.

4. Community Outreach:

a. Thea is going to write a letter to the newspaper editor explaining the project and the need for it in the Community, she will seek others to write additional letters. Randolph will provide renderings to be used at Community Meetings. FAQ’s have been prepared, Brian will review them and provide feedback by the end of the week.

5. Invoice Approval:

a. Ron Lum made a motion to approve Daedalus’s Invoice # 39149-08 in the amount of $10,000 and TSKP’s Invoice # 200303-16 in the amount of $13.200 seconded by William Alexopoulos. Approval was unanimous.

Meeting Adjournment:

Ida Gordon made a motion to adjourn the meeting seconded by Ron Lum. The motion was approved unanimously.

Next meeting will be Wednesday, October 13, 2021 at 1:00 PM



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