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SBC Meeting Notes-6/23/2021

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Randolph School Building Committee

Meeting Notes

6/23/2021 – SBC Meeting Notes

Project: Randolph Lyons Meeting Date: 6/23/2021
Time: Meeting Location: Zoom
Meeting: School Building Committee Report By: Tieshia Walton
Attending: Ida Gordon, Chair (IG), Andrea Nixon, Vice Chair (AN)*, Thea Stovell (TS)*, Carlos Colley (CC)*, Ron Lum*, Brian Howard (BH)*, Jesse Saylor/TSKP, Tieshia Walton/Daedalus, Christina Opper / Daedalus, Keith Wortzman (KW)*, Thomas Gatzunis / Daedalus, Pam Davis (PD)*, Steve Nesterak (SN)*, Randall Luther / TSKP, Yugon Kim/ TSKP,
* Building Committee Member

Absent: Lisa Millwood*, Paul McDermott *, Cindy Lopez (CL*)
Adam Smith (AS) *William Alexopoulos *
Mohamed Shaker/TSKP, Mike Bouchard/CES, Christina Tangishaka, Holly German, Lisa Frenette




1. The meeting was called to order by the Chair Ida Gordon at 1:13 PM
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes:

Carlos Colley made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from June 23, 2021 seconded by Ron Lum. Andrea Nixon called for a roll call and voting was as follows;

a. Brian Howard-Yes
b. Andrea Nixon-Yes
c. Ron Lum-Yes
d. Carlos Colley-Yes
e. Thea Stovell-Yes
f. Pamela Davis-Abstain
g. Ida Gordon-Yes
h. Keith Wortzman-Yes

3. Design Updates:

Jesse Saylor presented the attached presentation.

· TSKP has requested utilizing the services of walkBoston to identify site access issues and make recommendations to improve pedestrian access. There will be a cost associated with walkBoston. Keith Wortzman believes working with walkBoston will be essential and supports using them. Carlos Colley would like TSKP to get a proposal so the cost can be determined. Andrea Nixon wants other proposal solicited, and also wants to know more about walkBoston. Keith Wortzman made a motion to support getting pricing from walkBoston seconded by Ida Gordon.  Andrea Nixon called for a roll call and voting was as follows;

a.       Brian Howard-Yes
b.       Andrea Nixon- Yes
c.        Ron Lum-Yes
d.       Carlos Colley-Yes
e.       Thea Stovell-Yes
f.         Pamela Davis-Yes
g.       Ida Gordon-Yes
h.       Keith Wortzman-Yes

All were in favor and the motion was approved

· CHA and TSKP estimators have reconciled the cost estimates. The building square footage has decreased from 76,700 SF to 74,720, and the asphalt has decreased from 323,244 SF to 268,785 SF. The delivery method of the project will be Design, Bid, Build. To reduce the current cost projected TSKP is recommending a cost reduction in the amount of $4M -/+ to bring the project budget back to the initial cost estimate amount; the initial five items below were discussed:

1.       Eliminate rooftop clerestory windows
2.       Change the hydronic radiant heating panels
3.       Change granite curbs to concrete
4.       Change playground surfacing to engineered wood fiber
5.       Remove Dow/Mitchell Street extensions from the project

Keith Wortzman stated that engineered wood fiber isn’t easily traversed by people with mobility impairments, or strollers and needs to be replaced often. Keith Wortzman recommends keeping the rubber playground surface. Thea Stovell would like to keep the Dow/Mitchell Street extension work in the project because it will help with access to the site. Thea Stovell agrees with Keith Wortzman about keeping the rubber playground surface. Thea Stovell was concerned with reducing natural light to the interior spaces. Ron Lum stated that he believes the cost estimates are overly optimistic, and that he was never in favor of the site. Ida Gordon requested more information be presented at the next SBC Meeting before a decision is made.

4. Invoice Approval:

Andrea Nixon made a motion to approve Daedalus’s invoice # 39149-05 in the amount of $10,000 seconded by Carlos Colley. Andrea Nixon called for a roll call and voting was as follows;

a. Carlos Colley-Yes
b. Thea Stovell-Yes
c. Andrea Nixon-Yes
d. Ron Lum-No
e. Brian Howard-No Answer
f.  Keith Wortzman-Yes
g. Ida Gordon-Yes
h. Andrea Nixon-Yes

Carlos Colley made a motion to approve TSKP’s Invoice # 13 in the amount of $ 107,065 seconded by Thea Stovell. Andrea Nixon called for a roll call and voting was as follows;

a. Carlos Colley-Yes
b. Thea Stovell-Yes
c. Andrea Nixon- Yes
d. Ron Lum-No
e. Brian Howard-No Answer
f.  Keith Wortzman-Yes
g. Ida Gordon-Yes
h. Andrea Nixon-Yes

5. Website Updates:

Tieshia Walton continues to update the website with project information.

6. Meeting Adjournment:

Ida Gordon made a motion to adjourn the meeting seconded by Carlos Colley.

The next meeting will be Wednesday, July 7, 2021 at 1:00 PM


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