Randolph School Building Committee
Meeting Notes
5/5/2021 – SBC Meeting Notes

Project: |
Randolph Lyons School |
Meeting Date: |
May 5, 2021 |
Time: |
1:07 PM |
Meeting Location: |
Zoom |
Meeting: |
School Building Committee |
Report By: |
Tieshia Walton |
Ida Gordon, Chair (IG)
Andrea Nixon, Vice Chair (AN)*
William Alexopoulos *
Thea Stovell (TS)*
Carlos Colley (CC)*
Ron Lum*
Brian Howard (BH)*
Adam Smith (AS) *
Jesse Saylor/TSKP |
Tieshia Walton/Daedalus
Christina Opper / Daedalus
Keith Wortzman (KW)*
Thomas Gatzunis / Daedalus
Pam Davis (PD)*
Steve Nesterak (SN)* |
* Building Committee Member
** Representing Cindy Lopez |
Lisa Millwood*
Paul McDermott *
Cindy Lopez (CL*)
Randall Luther / TSKP
Yugon Kim/ TSKP |
Mohamed Shaker/TSKP
Mike Bouchard/CES
Christina Tangishaka
Holly German
Lisa Frenette |
1. |
The meeting was called to order by the Chair Ida Nixon at 1:08 |
Approval of Meeting Minutes:
William Alexopoulos made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from April 7, 2021 seconded by Keith Wortzman.
All were in favor and the motion was approved |
3. |
Design Updates:
TSKP has been meeting with school staff getting programming needs that will be incorporated into
the drawings.
Jesse Saylor presented the attached presentation and the following were discussed;
- Nitsch Engineering did a parking study analysis and more students are bussed than expected. 25 parking spaces were eliminated from the front of the school, and green
space added. The District is working on where the buses that transport students to the school will be stored.
- The school will be used for community use after hours.
- The soccer field at the Lyons will be U10 field not a regulation field. The High School has the capacity for soccer games, so large parking demands are not anticipated . Carlos
suggested touching base with the Tony the athletic director.
- The Town Zoning requires a parking ratio of one space per 5 occupants for the gym and auditorium, this requirement is being met.
- There will be perimeter lightning at the front and back of the building.
- Pre-K parking will mostly be used for pickup/drop-off. These spaces can be used as visitor parking
- The number of students at the current school compared to the new school will not affect parking but does effect queuing.
- TSKP presented a traffic study proposal. Due to traffic flow concerns the proposal wasn’t approved. TSKP needs to get more information on turning radius for all access roads.
Tom suggested we don’t wait to long for approval, traffic patterns change in the summer months, therefore traffic counts should be taken as soon as possible
- A tractor trailer has been requested for food delivery to the school. Confirmation is needed on if the trailer can get in and out of the site.
- At Canton and High Street there are currently flashing lights only, this intersection will be reviewd as a part of the Study. The MSBA will not reimbures off site improvements.
- Keith suggested brainstorming with Walk Boston on accessibility. The school is on a busy street and safe means of travel are needed to and from the site.
4. |
Website Updates:
- Christina Opper continues to build pages in the background, they will be activated when completed
- Christina Opper is working with TSKP and Thea on graphics for the website and a public presentation on Re-Districting.
Invoice Approval:
Carlos made a motion to approve Daedalus Invoice # 39149-03, in the amount of $ 10,000 and TSKP’s Invoice # 11 in the amount of $ 50,835, seconded by Keith. Ida called for a roll call and voting was as follows;
- William Allexopoulos-Yes
- Carlos Colley- Yes
- Brian Howard-Yes
- Stephen Nesterak- Yes
- Andrea Nixon-Yes
- Adam Smith- Yes
- Thea Stovell- Yes
- Ron Lum-No
- Keith Wortzman-Yes
- Ida Gordon-Yes
- Pam Smith-Yes
Meeting Adjournment:
Brian Howard made a motion to adjourn the meeting seconded by Adam Smith. All were in favor and the motion approved.
Next Meeting will be Wednesday, May 19, 2021 at 1:00 PM |
Next Meeting will be