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SBC Meeting Notes – 12/2/2020

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Randolph School Building Committee
Meeting Notes

12/2/2020 – SBC Meeting Notes

Project: Randolph Lyons School Meeting Date: December 2, 2020
Time: 1:04 PM Meeting Location: Zoom
Meeting: School Building Committee Report By: Tieshia Walton


Ida Gordon, Chair (IG)
Andrea Nixon, Vice Chair (AN)*
Ron Lum* (RL)
Thea Stovell (TS)*
Carlos Colley (CC)*
Brian Howard (BH)*
Pam Davis (PD)*
  Randall Luther / TSKP
Jesse Saylor/TSKP
Alicia Monks / Daedalus
Richard Marks / Daedalus (RM)
Adam Smith (AS) *
Steve Nesterak (SN)*
Christina Opper / Daedalus
* Building Committee Member
** Representing Cindy Lopez 


Jim Burgess (JB)*
Kevin Donovan (KD)*
Casey Haley (CH)*
Cindy Lopez (CL)*
Lisa Millwood (LM) *
Duong Nguyen (DN)*
  Mike Rossini (MR)*
Judy Littlejohn *
Paul McDermott *
William Alexopoulos *
Yugon Kim / TSKP


1. The meeting was called to order by Committee Chair Ida Gordon at 1:04


Town Council Meeting
A special Town Council Meeting has been scheduled for December 14th to review site selection.
The council will most likely not make a decision that day, but hopefully will on December 21st.


Feasibility Study Updates

  • Andrea will confirm who the additional School Building Committee Members are and forward the required form to the MSBA.
  • Jesse presented the attached presentation. Some of the details of the presentation include:
  1. The project cost at the Devine site is higher due to abatement and site work. There will be a higher reimbursement rate for the Devine site due to the MSBA will reimburse for the demo and asbestos removal. The MSBA will only pay to demolish a building on the site chosen for the project.
  2. Both projects estimated as CM at Risk
  3. There will be additional earthwork at the Lyons due to the site is sloped
  4. Lyons water main is longer than Devine
  5. The square footage of both buildings is different due to layout
  • Cost benchmarks will be presented after looking at other similar school projects.
  • TSKP has begun working with Thea on programming
  • The Geotech Engineer is tentatively scheduled to do borings at the Devine site this Friday
  • Brian noted that it is an expectation from him and the Town Council that if the Devine site is chosen that the Lyons site would be turned over to the Town. Brian will not move this forward unless this happens.
  • Thea noted that Arthur Goldstein put something out about the debt service, where the
    Town would pick up the project cost versus the voters. Brian stated the math wouldn’t work out, and every department after the last budget review is bare bones.


Approval of Invoices
During the November 18th meeting a vote on the invoice approval process was as follows:Andrea made a motion to change the approval process. Steve Nesterak to review and approve first then Ida as the Building Committee Chair, or Andrea Nixon as the Vice Chair if Ida is not available. Once the invoices are approved and signed by Steve/Ida and or Andrea they will be forwarded to Finance (Carlos’ office) to be paid. Judy Littlejohn will include copies in the packets for the School Committee meetings. Carlos seconded the motion. Ida called for a roll call and voting was as follows:

  1. Dr. Carlos Colley-Yes
  2. Andrea Nixon-Yes
  3. Ida Gordon-Yes
  4. Thea Stovell-Yes
  5. Steve Nesterak-No
  6. Cindy Lopez-Yes
  7. Pam Davis-Yes

6 yes, 1 No

Steve sent an email on 12/2 noting that he isn’t legally authorized to approve project invoices. This authority is solely with the building committee

Thea would like Steve to review not approve that the work was done by initialing the invoices and then follow the process as voted on.

In order for Carlos to send a bill to the Town for payment he needs the invoice to be approved. If the invoice has to wait for the building committee to approve when sometimes there isn’t a quorum it could take months for an invoice to be paid.

Brian disagrees that a project invoice being paid is similar to paying a utility bill. He believes the School Building Committee should be signing off on invoices after confirmation that the work has been done that is being billed for. Brian stated the bills should be sent to the Building Committee
prior to meeting for review before voting along with the cost summary, agenda, and previous meeting minutes.

Ida would like the bills to be sent to the full committee for review and if they have any questions the Committee can send a note to Steve for clarification. During the next meeting the bill would be voted on, signed by Ida and sent to Brian Howard. The School Committee is responsible for making sure things are voted on and a solid process is needed. Andrea and Ida will discuss offline and review during the next SBC Meeting.

5. Other Business
Ida would like the agenda and meeting minutes from the previous meeting sent to the Committee the Friday before the next meeting. Ida would like to add Items that the Chair would like to discuss to the agenda. No one on the committee had an issue with implementing this process.
6. Meeting Adjournment
Ida made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Thea. Andrea called for a roll call and voting was as follows:

  1. Carlos Colley-Yes
  2. Brian Howard-Yes
  3. Andrea Nixon-Yes
  4. Ida Gordon-Yes
  5. Thea Stovell-Yes
  6. Ron Lum-Yes
  7. Steve Nesternak-Yes
  8. Pam Davis-Yes
  9. Adam Smith

Meeting was adjourned at 2:01 pm.



Next Meeting will be Wednesday December 16, 2020 at 1:00 PM


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