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SBC Meeting Notes-11/10/2021

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Randolph Lyons School Building Committee Meeting Notes 11 10 2021

Project: Randolph Lyons Meeting Date: 11/10/2021
Time: 1:07 PM Meeting Location: Zoom
Meeting: School Building Committee Report By: Tieshia Walton
Attending: Ida Gordon, Chair (IG)*
Andrea Nixon, Vice Chair (AN)*
Ron Lum*
Brian Howard (BH)*
Tieshia Walton/Daedalus
Thomas Gatzunis/Daedalus
Christina Opper/Daedalus
Randall Luther/TSKP
Joseph Sexton
* Building Committee Member

Absent: William Alexopoulos*
Lisa Millwood,
Mohamed Shaker/TSKP
Cindy Sypher Lopez- (CL)*,
Adam Smith (AS)*
Yugon Kim/TSKP
Pam Davis (PD)*
Keith Wortzman (KW)*
Jesse Saylor/TSKP
Josh Teas/TSKP


1. The meeting was called to order by the Chair Ida Gordon at 1:07 PM
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes:

Ron Lum made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from October 13, 2021 seconded by Andrea Nixon. Ida Gordon called for a roll call and voting was as follows;
a. Thea Stovell-Yes
b. Andrea Nixon-Yes
c. Ron Lum-Yes
d. Brian Howard-Yes
e. Ida Gordon-Yes


3. Project Updates:

Responses to the MSBA Schematic Design Submission were forwarded to the MSBA on October 22nd. The DESE portion of the SD Submission has been approved.

The project was approved for a Project Scope and Budget Agreement at the MSBA Board Meeting on October 27th

CHA and TSKP recommended an early demo package so the contractor can start construction on a clean site and also allows the GC to document existing conditions. After demolition the site will be a graded area, and fenced in during demolition. TSKP will include their fee for an ealry demo package in their contract amendment.

Brian will talk to Randall offline about purchasing property adjacent to the site.

4. Community Outreach:

A Thank You Letter will be drafted for publication in the local paper and on the Town website thanking the Community for their support of the project.

5. Invoice Approval:

Andrea Nixon made a motion to approve Daedalus’s invoice # 39149-09 in the amount of $10,000 and Invoice # 39149-10 in the amount of $ 13,490 seconded by Ron Lum. Ida Gordon called for a roll call and voting was as follows;
a. Thea Stovell-Yes
b. Brian Howard-Yes
c. Joe Sexon-Yes
d. Andrea Nixon-Yes
e. Ida Gordon-Yes
f. Ron Lum-Yes

Andrea Nixon made a motion approve TSKP’s Invoice # 200303-7 in the amount of $ 19,650 and Invoice # 200303-18 in the amount of $16,900 seconded by Ron Lum. Ida Gordon called for a roll call and voting was as follows;
a. Thea Stovell-Yes
b. Brian Howard-Yes
c. Ron Lum-Yes
d. Andrea Nixon-Yes
e. Joe Sexon-Yes
f. Ida Gordon-Yes

Andrea Nixon made a motion to have Joseph Sexton review and approve invoices before they are submitted to the Committee for approval seconded by ida Gordon. Ida Gordon called for a roll call and voting was as follows;
a. Thea Stovell-Yes
b. Joseph Sexton-Yes
c. Ron Lum-Yes
d. Andrea Nixon-Yes
e. Brian Howard-Yes
f. Ida Gordon-Yes

6. Meeting Adjournment:

Ida Gordon made a motion to adjourn the meeting seconded by Andrea Nixon. Ida Gordon called for a roll call and voting was as follows;
a. Thea Stovell-Yes
b. Joseph Sexton-Yes
c. Ron Lum-Yes
d. Andrea Nixon-Yes
e. Ida Gordon-Yes
f. Brian Howard-Yes

Next meeting will be Wednesday, December 1, 2021 at 1:00 PM




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