Project Timeline

Community Presentations
The project team held two virtual community presentations on March 17th, an afternoon session and an evening session, to update the residents of Randolph on the progress of the project and the selection of the Devine site as the preferred location. Presenters included Thea Stovell, Superintendent of Schools, Thomas Gatzunis, Owner’s Project Manager from Daedalus/CHA, and Randall Luther, Architect from TSKP Studio. It was a successful two meetings with good attendance and comments/questions from members of the community. The project team also hosted a link to a form for questions and comments which will be open through the end of March. The next step in the process will be to develop the Schematic Design for the new Elementary School.
Preferred Schematic Report Submitted
The Preferred Schematic Report (PSR) was submitted to the Massachusetts School Building Authority. The PSR includes updates to the Educational Program for the school building, final evaluation of the existing conditions, final evaluation of all alternatives, and the Town’s and School District’s preferred option/solution for addressing the needs of the School and School District. Following votes of the Town Council and School Committee, the PSR identified the Devine site as the preferred location for the new school project, along with conceptual floor plans and renderings of the building. The full PSR can be viewed in the Documents section of the website.
Town Council Presentation & Vote on Location
The School Building Committee, Architect, and OPM provided a presentation on the progress of the Feasibility Study, including the two final recommended site options – the existing Lyons site and the Devine School site – with conceptual estimates for costs and an anticipated project design and construction schedule on December 14th. The Town Council members discussed the options and the impact on the community and heard comments from the public in attendance. At the December 21st meeting of the Town Council, they voted to select the Devine site location.
School Committee Presentation
The Architect and OPM provided a presentation on the progress of the Feasibility Study, including the final recommended site options (existing Lyons site and the Devine School site) and conceptual estimates for costs and an anticipated project design and construction schedule. The School Committee members discussed the options and the impact on the community. A presentation to the Town Council will be held in December.
Community Presentations
The project team held two community presentations on October 27th, a morning session and an evening session, to update the residents of Randolph on the progress of the project. Presenters included Thea Stovell, Superintendent of Schools, Richard Marks, Owner’s Project Manager from Daedalus/CHA, and Randall Luther, Architect from TSKP Studio. It was a successful two meetings with several engaged attendees from the community. The project team also hosted a link to a survey and form for questions and comments and collected some great questions and comments. The next step in the process will be to continue to study the most feasible options for the Lyons Elementary School which include building a new school building on the existing site of the Lyons School or a new school building on the site of the Devine School.
Existing Conditions Report & Development of Conceptual Options
As part of the MSBA’s “Module 3” the project team documented the conditions of the existing Elizabeth G. Lyons Elementary School building and began presenting conceptual options for renovation, renovation/addition, and new construction. As required by the MSBA, multiple locations were studied including the current site as well as other available locations in Randolph. The School Department and the project team also began a study of enrollment analysis, projections, and redistricting scenarios.
Educational Visioning Meetings held
During the month of May, TSKP Studio and their Educational Program Consultant held several Educational Visioning meetings with representatives from the Randolph Public School Department, teachers from the Elizabeth G. Lyons Elementary School, and parents. The Educational Program Consultant, the Architecture team, and the OPM provided examples of layouts, spaces, technology, furnishings, and concepts for schools across the Commonwealth and in other states. The Randolph school staff and parents were asked to provide feedback on how they currently deliver the educational program and the requirements of the school district in the existing school as well as discuss “blue sky ideas” on how best to deliver the program in a newly renovated space or a new space. A gallery of images from some of the virtual meeting sessions can be found on the Photos & Videos page.
TSKP Architects is selected as the Designer
The selection of the Designer began in October 2019. On December 17th representatives of the Elizabeth G. Lyons Elementary School project and the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) Designer Selection Panel reviewed applications received and invited three firms to interview at the next meeting of the Designer Selection Panel. On January 7, 2020 the MSBA and representatives of the project ranked the interviewed firms and selected TSKP Studio, LLC to serve as the Designer for the Elizabeth G. Lyons Elementary School project. On February 27, 2020 the final contract was executed.
Daedalus Projects is selected as the Owner’s Project Manager
The selection of the Owner’s Project Manager (OPM) began in June 2019. After conducting interviews, Daedalus Projects, Inc. | A CHA Company was selected to serve as the OPM for the Elizabeth G. Lyons Elementary School project. The selected OPM team presented their qualifications to the Massachusetts School Building Authority’s OPM Review Panel and the Town of Randolph received approval for their selection. On September 24, 2019 the final contract was executed.
MSBA Feasibility Study Agreement
The Town of Randolph, the Randolph Public School District, and the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) fully executed the Feasibility Study Agreement, the final step in “Module 1” for the Elizabeth G. Lyons Elementary School project. The next step will be to hire the Owner’s Project Manager and the Designer (Architect).
MSBA Certified Enrollment
The MSBA and the Town of Randolph and Randolph Public Schools reviewed enrollment projections and methodologies to determine a Certified Enrollment for the Elizabeth G. Lyons Elementary School project. The project received a certified enrollment of 315 students. For more information about the MSBA’s enrollment methodology, can be found on their website.
MSBA Initial Compliance Certification
The Town of Randolph and the Randolph Public School District completed the Initial Compliance Certification for the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA).
MSBA Invitation to Eligibility Period
At a meeting of the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) Board of Directors, held on December 13, 2017, the Town of Randolph and the Randolph Public School District received a unanimous vote of the MSBA Board members to invite the Elizabeth G. Lyons Elementary School project into the MSBA Eligibility Period.
Statement of Interest Submitted to MSBA
On February 8, 2017, the Town of Randolph, the Randolph School Committee, and the Randolph Public School District completed and submitted a Statement of Interest to the Massachusetts School Building Authority for the Elizabeth G. Lyons Elementary School project. Project priorities addressed in the Statement of Interest included: Replacement or renovation of a building which is structurally unsound or otherwise in a condition seriously jeopardizing the health and safety of school children, where no alternative exists. Elimination of existing severe overcrowding. Prevention of the loss of accreditation. Prevention of severe overcrowding expected to result from increased enrollments. Replacement, renovation or modernization of school facility systems, such as roofs, windows, boilers, heating and ventilation systems, to increase energy conservation and decrease energy related costs in a school facility. Short term enrollment growth. Replacement of or addition to obsolete buildings in order to provide for a full range of programs consistent with state and approved local requirements. Transition from court-ordered and approved racial balance school districts to walk-to, so-called, or other school districts. A copy of the Statement of Interest (SOI) can be viewed here.