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Schematic Design Submission-Elizabeth G. Lyons Elementary School
As required by the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA), the Randolph School Building Committee and the Project Team (OPM and Architect) have created a Schematic Design Submission (SD) for submission to the MSBA for review, comment, and approval.
During Schematic Design, the District and its team collaborate with the MSBA to develop a robust schematic design of sufficient detail to establish the scope, budget, and schedule upon which to evaluate the basis for a proposed project, secure approval of the Proposed Project by the Board, receive Department of Elementary and Secondary Education approval of the Proposed Project for delivery of the District’s special educational program, and obtain local authorization and financial support.
The Architect (TSKP Studios) and OPM (Daedalus) have collaborated with the Randolph School Building Committee to study and document the Schematic Design Submission. Included in the report are the following sections:
Schematic Design Submission
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1. Introduction
2. Final Design Program
3. Appendices
4. Outline Specifications
5. Design Drawings