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SBC Notes – 2/2/2022

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2/2/2022 – SBC Meeting Notes

Project: Randolph Lyons School Meeting Date: February 2, 2022
Time: 1:02 PM Meeting Location: Zoom
Meeting: School Building Committee Report By: Tieshia Walton

Ida Gordon, Chair (IG)*                      Andrea Nixon, Vice Chair (AN)*         Thea Stovell (TS)*
Brian Howard (BH)*
William Alexopoulos *
Cheryl Frazier (CF)*
Ron Lum (RL)*

Tieshia Walton/Daedalus
Thomas Gatzunis / Daedalus
Randall Luther/TSKP
Joseph Sexton
Keith Wortzman (KW)*
* Building Committee Member
** Representing Cindy Lopez


1. The meeting was called to order by the Chair Ida Gordon at 1:02 PM
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes:

Andrea Nixon made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from January 5, 2022,
seconded by Ron Lum. Andrea Nixon called for a roll call and voting was as follows;

a. Andrea Nixon-Yes
b. Ida Gordon-Yes
c. William Alexopoulos-Yes
d. Brian Howard-Yes
e. Ron Lum-Abstain
f. Keith Wortzman-Yes

3. Nominations for Chair and Vice Chair of the School Building Committee:

Andrea Nixon asked for nominations for chair of the school building committee. Cheryl Frazier nominated Ida Gordon seconded by Brian Howard. William Alexopoulos nominated Keith Wortzman seconded by Andrea Nixon. Ida Gordon called for a roll call
and voting was as follows:

a. Ida Gordon-Ida
b. Cheryl Frazier-Ida
c. Ron Lum-Ida
d. Brian Howard-Ida
e. Keith Wortzman-Ida
f. William Alexopoulos-Keith

Ida Gordon asked for nominations for the vice-chair of the school building committee. William Alexopoulos nominated Cheryl Frazier and Ron Lum nominated Andrea Nixon. Ida Gordon called for a roll call and voting was as follows:

a. Ida Gordon-Andrea
b. Cheryl Frazier-Andrea
c. Brian Howard-Andrea
d. Thea Stovell-Andrea
e. Joe Sexton-Andrea
f. Keith Wortzman-Cheryl
g. William Alexopoulos-Cheryl

Ida Gordon will remain the SBC Chair and Andrea Nixon the Vice-Chair.

4. Project Funding Agreement: 

Tieshia Walton will be picking up the Project Funding Agreement from the Town on February 3rd. The documents will be sent to the MSBA and once fully executed project reimbursements beyond the Feasibility Study Phase can be submitted.

5. Design Updates:

• See the attached Activity Report and Schedule presented by TSKP.

• Due to supply chain issues TSKP has changed most of the roof framing from steel joist to steel beams. There are no design changes this is only a matter of running the mechanics through beams. Brian is concerned that we may be running down a path of supply issues. Tom thinks that by the time we go out to bid in November manpower issues will be resolved to help with the supply chain, but we can’t predict supply lead times. We are currently carrying 8%-/+ for escalation which should help.

6. Other Business:

• Ida has been getting questions in the Community about when they will start seeing how this project is affecting their taxes. Brian stated in amount two years.

• Community Update: An update on the project will be provided to the Community at the end of the Design Development Phase Late March/April.


7. Invoice Approval:

Andrea Nixon made a motion to approve CHA’s invoice # 39149-11 in the amount of $4,000, seconded by Keith Wortzman. Andrea Nixon called for roll call and voting was as follows;

a. Ron Lum- Yes
b. Andrea Nixon – Yes
c. Thea Stovell- Yes
d. Keith Wortzman- Yes
e. Cheryl Frazier – Yes
f. Joseph Sexton- Yes
g. William Alexopoulos- Yes
h. Brian Howard- Yes
i. Ida Gordon – Yes


Meeting Adjournment:

Cheryl Frazier made a motion to adjourn the meeting seconded by Ron Lum. Andrea Nixon called for a roll call and voting was as follows;

a. Ron Lum-Yes
b. Joseph Sexton-Yes
c. Keith Wortzman-Yes
d. Andrea Nixon-Yes
e. Cheryl Frazier-Yes
f. Thea Stovell-Yes
g. Ida Gordon-Yes
h. William Alexopoulos-Yes
i. Brian Howard-Yes

Next Meeting will be Wednesday, March 2, 2022, at 1:00 PM

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