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SBC Meeting Notes – 8/11/2020

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Randolph School Building Committee
Meeting Notes

8/11/2020 – SBC Meeting Notes

Project: Randolph Lyons School Meeting Date: August 11, 2020
Time: 8:04AM Meeting Location: Zoom
Meeting: School Building Committee Report By: Tieshia Walton


Andrea Nixon, Chair (AN)*
Thea Stovell (TS)*
Carlos Colley (CC)*
Lisa Millwood (LM) *
Pam Davis (PD)*
Brian Howard (BH)*
  Paul McDermott *
Adam Smith *
Randall Luther / TSKP
Yugon Kim / TSKP
Josh Soares / Nitsch
Alicia Monks / Daedalus
Richard Marks / Daedalus (RM)
* Building Committee Member
** Representing Cindy Lopez



Jim Burgess (JB)*
Kevin Donovan (KD)*
Casey Haley (CH)*
Cindy Lopez (CL)*
Ron Lum* (RL)
Steve Nesterak (SN)*
Duong Nguyen (DN)*
  Mike Rossini (MR)*
Judy Littlejohn *


1. The meeting was called to order by Committee Chair Andrea Nixon at 8:04


Potential Sites
The existing Lyons and Devine are the most promising out of the five sites studied. However, TSKP contacted the Randolph Historical Commission in reference to the Devine location and they are not in favor of removing the existing Devine Street School, which makes that site unfavorable for the project. TSKP is waiting the official response.


Design Options
Five options were developed for further consideration including: a code upgrade at the existing Lyons, an Addition/Renovation at the existing Lyons and three new construction options, two at the Lyons and one at the Devine. Each location was reviewed, and a test fit design was done at each site. The options are as follows:
• Option 1 – Code Upgrade to existing Lyons Building
• Option 2- Addition/ Renovation of the existing Lyons building
• Option 3 – New school building on the existing Lyons playfield
• Option 4 – New school building in the current Lyons school location
• Option 5 – New school building at the Devine site
The total proposed square feet at this time is 76,900 SF for all options.
Each option was reviewed, and a cost estimate prepared by Daedalus Projects, Inc, and TSKP.The code only option does not address any of the programmatic needs of the school, and only addresses the physical structure. This is not a recommended option but does indicate the level of renovation work needed to the existing Lyons building. The estimated costs of the addition/renovation option and the three new building options were all very close to each other.


MSBA Reimbursement
The MSBA Reimbursement rate of eligible costs with incentives is projected at 80%. After ineligible cost are calculated, the estimated effective MSBA Reimbursement rate is calculated at 55.33%


Estimated Construction Cost Estimate Comparisons
Cost comparisons were prepared showing the estimated construction costs of the new Lyons in relation to other elementary schools in the local region. An additional comparison was made for schools of similar size and enrollment. The detailed cost comparisons are in the attached presentation.


The Preliminary Design Program (PDP) submission is targeted to be sent to the MSBA on August 14, 2020. The submission will include the educational program, initial space summary, evaluation of the existing conditions, site development requirements and preliminary evaluation of the options. A copy of the submission components has been uploaded to the project website. The Local Actions and Approvals Certification was sent to Andrea Nixon for signature.A motion to permit the OPM, Daedalus Projects, Inc. to submit the Preliminary Design Program (PDP) to the MSBA was moved by Lisa Millwood and seconded by Thea Stovell. The chair called for a roll call and voting was as follows:

  1. Carlos Colley-Yes
  2. Pamela Davis-Yes
  3. Brian Howard-Yes
  4. Paul McDermott – Yes
  5. Lisa Millwood-Yes
  6. Andrea Nixon-Yes
  7. Adam Smith-Yes
  8. Thea Stovell-Yes




Project Website
Please visit the project website at for project updates and information.If you would like to contact the Building Committee directly, please send an email to:
8. Q & A
Paul McDermott stated that it appeared that the school district had capacity in other school buildings and asked if a study was done on moving the Middle School students to the High School. Mr. McDermott thinks all options need to be reviewed before $52 million is spent on a new school. A study was done in the past and will be forwarded to all for review. The sense at the time of the study was that the town residents did not want the Middle and High School combined. TSKP visited all the Elementary Schools and the Middle School and have reviewed enrollment projections and programming square footage needs. The Elementary Schools will be approximately 80% utilized with the construction of the new Lyons at 315 students, which is considered desirable.Brian Howard asked about timeline after the Preliminary Design Program (PDP) is submitted. The MSBA will review the PDP and provide comment, and the team will respond. Once the PDP submission is complete the Preferred Schematic Report will be drafted, and the favored design option chosen and submitted to the MSBA. Once the PSR is submitted and approved by the MSBA the project will move to Module Four – Schematic Design.

Brian stated that the project will most likely go for an override vote. The team should aim to have all documents for ballot vote ready prior to November 2021.



Meeting Adjournment

Meeting was adjourned.
Motion made by Lisa, seconded by Paul.

Roll call vote was taken, all in favor: Andrea Nixon, Brian Howard, Thea Stovell, Carlos Colley, Lisa Millwood, Pam Davis, Adam Smith, and Paul McDermott.

Next meeting: To be scheduled.
Attached: Slide presentation dated August 11, 2020

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