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SBC Meeting Notes-7/7/2021

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Randolph School Building Committee

Randolph Lyons School Building Committee Meeting Notes 7 7 2021


Project: Randolph Lyons Meeting Date: 7/7/2021
Time: Meeting Location: Zoom
Meeting: School Building Committee Report By: Tieshia Walton
Attending: Ida Gordon, Chair (IG), Andrea Nixon, Vice Chair (AN)*, William Alexopoulos*  Thea Stovell (TS)*, Carlos Colley (CC)*, Ron Lum*, Brian Howard (BH)*, Jesse Saylor/TSKP, Pamela Davis (PD)* , Tieshia Walton/Daedalus, Christina Opper / Daedalus, Keith Wortzman (KW)*, Thomas Gatzunis / Daedalus,  Jesse Saylor/TSKP, Randall Luther / TSKP, Yugon Kim/ TSKP, Josh Teas/TSKP, Craig Ransom/Randolph Resident/Carpenters Union Rep, Jesse Sawyer/Public Member
* Building Committee Member

Absent: Lisa Millwood*,  Cindy Lopez (CL*)
Adam Smith (AS) *
Mohamed Shaker/TSKP, Mike Bouchard/CES, Christina Tangishaka, Holly German, Lisa Frenette




1. The meeting was called to order by the Chair Ida Gordon at 1:07 PM
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes:

Andrea Nixon made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from June 23, 2021 with Pamela Davis’s request to remove Lisa Millwood as a Building Committee member seconded by Ron Lum.  Ida Gordon called for a roll call and voting was as follows;

a.       Andrea Nixon-Yes
b.       William Alexopoulos-Abstain
c.        Thea Stovell-Yes
d.       Carlos Colley-Yes
e.       Ronald Lum-Yes
f.         Brian Howard-Yes
g.       Pamela Davis-Yes
h.       Keith Wortzman-Yes
i.         Ida Gordon-Yes

3. Invoice Approval:

Andrea Nixon made a motion to approve TSKP’s invoice # 14 in the amount of $ 42,700 seconded by Carlos Colley. Andrea Nixon called for a roll call and William Alexopoulos had a question. William Alexopoulos asked what the invoice was for and Tieshia Walton explained that the invoices were for Schematic Design services in June. Tieshia Walton asked Randall Luther to provide detail on what services were provided in June and he stated that TSKP continued to work on the budget, reviewed additional VE items that can be    added to reduce the budget, and attended an Energy Charette to improve the project energy performance. Thea Stovell and William Alexopoulos are concerned about the VE items suggested at the last Building Committee to lower the budget. Thea and William don’t want to use low quality products to bring the budget back on track.VE meetings will be scheduled soon. Ron Lum, Town/District facilities head, and the Town DPW head should possibly attend the VE Meetings. Thea Stovell would like to discuss who should attend the     VE meetings further at the weekly Friday meeting. Ron Lum would like to review the project budget and value of suggested VE items with accurate numbers prior to the VE meeting to eliminate the need for three or four meetings. It was stated that the budget can’t change after the anticipated vote for the Project Funding Agreement at the MSBA Board Meeting on          October 27, 2021. Voting for approval of TSKP’s invoice continued and went as follows;

a. Andrea Nixon-Yes
b. William Alexopoulos-No
c.  Thea Stovell-Yes
d.  Carlos Colley-Yes
e.  Ron Lum-No
f.   Brian Howard-Yes
g.  Pamela Davis-Yes
h.  Keith Wortzman-Yes
i.   Ida Gordon-Yes

4. Public Comment:

Craig Ransom who has been a Randolph resident for 15 years and is also a Carpenters Representative had the following question;

Are we waiting for funding from the MSBA and will the school be a model school?

Randall Luther answered the question by stating that were a expecting funding approval by the MSBA in October, and the school will not be a model school due to constraints that were found  at the current Lyons and the selected Devine site; topography, flood plain elevations at the current Lyons site, and the Devine site being strangely shaped on a tight parcel. There is currently not model school that matches the enrollment anticipated for the new Lyons.

5. Meeting Adjournment:

Thea Stovell made a to adjourn the meeting seconded by Andrea Nixon. Ida Gordon called for a roll call and voting was as follows;

a.  Andrea Nixon-Yes
b.  William Alexopoulos-Yes
c.  Thea Stovell-Yes
d.  Carlos Colley-Yes
e.  Ron Lum-Yes
f.   Brian Howard-Yes
g.  Pamela Davis-Yes
h.  Keith Wortzman-Yes
i.  Ida Gordon-Yes

The next meeting will be Wednesday, July 21, 2021 at 1:00 PM


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