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SBC Meeting Notes – 3/10/2021
Randolph School Building Committee
Meeting Notes
Project: | Randolph Lyons School | Meeting Date: | March 10, 2021 |
Time: | 1:05 PM | Meeting Location: | Zoom |
Meeting: | School Building Committee | Report By: | Tieshia Walton |
Andrea Nixon, Vice Chair (AN)* Thea Stovell (TS)* Carlos Colley (CC)* Ron Lum* Brian Howard (BH)* Pam Davis (PD)* Adam Smith (AS) * Steve Nesterak (SN)* |
Jesse Saylor/TSKP Tieshia Walton/Daedalus Christina Opper / Daedalus Keith Wortzman (KW)* Thomas Gatzunis / Daedalus Randall Luther / TSKP Yugon Kim/ TSKP Mohamed Shaker/TSKP |
* Building Committee Member ** Representing Cindy Lopez |
Ida Gordon, Chair (IG) Cindy Lopez (CL* Lisa Millwood* |
William Alexopoulos * Paul McDermott * |
1. | The meeting was called to order by the Vice Chair Andrea Nixon at 1:05 | |
Design Updates
TSKP presented the attached presentation, containing Options One and Two, below are some details about both options; Option One is rotated to the Old Street grid. A lot of green space. Has a pedestrian connector from the parking lot to the front of the building. Buffer space in the back of the building that contains a play and nature area. Service area comes in from the back connecting from Reed and Mitchell Street. Ample parking, additional parking adjacent to multipurpose field. A lot of area for buses and cars to queue. The plan of the building is smaller buildings that create a community green in the center. The community space is considered to be the gym, cafeteria, lobby and stage. You Option Two is shaped differently from Option One. Organized around a pedestrian path with a series of trees from Old Street. Contains outdoor learning and natural play space. Parking is pushed from Old Street to allow for green space. Roof canopies over the other buildings. Has a multipurpose field. Columns at the entrance designate the pedestrian path. There is a small garden next to the Pre-K entrance. Canopy provides shade for sitting steps located underneath. Has a roof garden. Two columns from the old Devine School will be used at the pedestrian path. The gym has glass views to the play field and the cafeteria has views to the outdoor classroom. Planters for educational gardening with picnics tables are located outside. Q: Is option one’s design unique to the Randolph project, or has this design been incorporated into other buildings. There is a lot of windows with natural light, how will heat efficiency be achieved? Q: Concern about cost Q: Why are the roofs flat? Q: Is the parking lots on options one and two coming out to the same location? Q: Is there any difference between segregating off the public spaces between the two options? Q: On the classroom wings is there direct outdoor access? Q: The general scale of both options seems overwhelming for elementary school students. Q: Where is the storage space located? Q: How will green certification be obtained with all the glass? Q: With all the open spaces, where is the open exposed ductwork located? Q: Are we at a point for community response with regards to the options presented? Q: Is the presentation posted on the project website? Q: How secure is the rooftop to prevent access? Q: Concern about acoustics Q: Can option one be revised to incorporate things from option two? General Comments: Would like green space for community gardening. Option One shows access to Dow Street that is a street that can only be accessed through Old Farm Road. The Street is very narrow, and undeveloped private neighborhood. Option Two shows service access from Velma Road which is a little short dead end. The neighborhood would not be happy with trucks accessing. Option Two’s scale feels like a cape that is dormered in the back. Looks small from the front and grows as you go in. Warm façade. The parking lot near the apartment buildings will require people to walk the length of a soccer field to get too the building, not convenient. |
Website Updates:
Christina wasn’t available to provide website updates. Two public meetings are scheduled for March 17th at 1:30 PM and 7:00 PM. Andrea will ask RCTV if they can air the meetings for a couple of days. |
Approval of Meeting Minutes:
Ron Lum made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from February 10, 2021, Pam seconded.
Invoice Approval :
Carlos made a motion to approve the Daedalus Invoice in the amount of by $ 9,000 seconded by
Meeting Adjournment
Keith made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Carlos. Andrea called for a roll call and voting was as follows;
Next Meeting will be Wednesday March 24, 2021 at 1:00 PM