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SBC Meeting Notes – 11/18/2020

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Randolph School Building Committee
Meeting Notes

11/18/2020 – SBC Meeting Notes

Project: Randolph Lyons School Meeting Date: November 18, 2020
Time: 1:35 PM Meeting Location: Zoom
Meeting: School Building Committee Report By: Tieshia Walton



Ida Gordon, Chair (IG)
Andrea Nixon, Vice Chair (AN)*
Steve Nesterak (SN)*
Thea Stovell (TS)*
Carlos Colley (CC)*
Pam Davis (PD)*
Cindy Lopez (CL)*
  Randall Luther / TSKP
Yugon Kim / TSKP
Jesse Saylor/TSKP
Alicia Monks / Daedalus
Richard Marks / Daedalus (RM)
Tieshia Walton / Daedalus
Cesar Rijo, North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters
* Building Committee Member
** Representing Cindy Lopez


Jim Burgess (JB)*
Kevin Donovan (KD)*
Casey Haley (CH)*
Lisa Millwood (LM) *
Duong Nguyen (DN)*
  Mike Rossini (MR)*
Judy Littlejohn *
Paul McDermott *
Ron Lum* (RL)
Brian Howard (BH)*
Adam Smith (AS) *


1. The meeting was called to order by Committee Chair Ida Gordon at 1:35


Approval of Meeting Minutes
Andrea made a motion to approve the November 4th meeting minutes, seconded by Pam. Ida called for a roll call and voting was as follows:

  1. Dr. Carlos Colley-Yes
  2. Andrea Nixon-Yes
  3. Ida Gordon-Yes
  4. Thea Stovell-Yes
  5. Steve Nesterak-Yes
  6. Cindy Lopez-Abstain
  7. Pam Davis-Yes

Six yes, One Abstain



Feasibility Study Updates

  • During the last Building Committee Meeting the Committee selected Option 3, New Construction on the existing Lyons Site and Option 5, New Construction on the Devine Site to be further studied as site selections. The School Committee Preferred Option 5. Option 5 would require additional Geotechnical Investigations.

Carlos made a motion to go ahead with the geotechnical study at the Devine for a not to exceed fee of $12,000. Pam seconded the motion.

Ida called for a roll call and voting was as follows:

  1. Dr. Carlos Colley-Yes
  2. Andrea Nixon-Yes
  3. Ida Gordon-Yes
  4. Thea Stovell-Yes
  5. Steve Nesterak-Yes
  6. Cindy Lopez-Yes
  7. Pam Davis-Yes

Unanimous vote.

  • If the Devine site is selected a survey similar to the one done at the Lyon site will need to be performed.
  • If the Devine site is chosen, the School Committee will need to decide how the Lyons site will be utilized. Some of the possible uses are rental space, District Administration offices, rental office space or if the Lyons will be given back to the Town. Ida suggested the full School Committee have a meeting with Thea, Carlos, and Steve to discuss the best options for the Lyons site.
  • Key dates for 2020/2021 were discussed. Andrea will reach out to the Town Council member , Billy Alexopoulos to schedule a meeting with the Town Council prior to the end of the year to get a vote on the preferred site.
  • The cost estimates are being revised based on the current studies. The updated cost estimates will be reviewed during the next meeting. Steve requested delineated reimbursed costs vs. non reimbursed costs be detailed within the cost estimate. This information will be updated on Form 3011 when the cost estimates are finalized and distributed.
  • A cost comparison of other schools in the area will be distributed to Steve.
  • The Town Council presentation for the upcoming meeting was reviewed. The presentation is similar to the one presented to the recent School Committee and during the public presentations. Ida requested the presentation be forwarded to the Town Council prior to the meeting. Once the meeting date is confirmed Jesse will forward to Ida and Andrea the Thursday prior to the Council meeting to distribute.
3. Approval of Invoices
Andrea made a motion to change the approval process. Steve Nesterak to review and approve first then Ida as the Building Committee Chair, or Andrea Nixon as the Vice Chair if Ida is not available. Once the invoices are approved and signed by Steve/Ida and or Andrea they will be forwarded to Finance (Carlos’ office) to be paid. Judy Littlejohn will include copies in the packets for the School Committee meetings. Carlos seconded the motion. Ida called for a roll call and voting was as follows:

  1. Dr. Carlos Colley-Yes
  2. Andrea Nixon-Yes
  3. Ida Gordon-Yes
  4. Thea Stovell-Yes
  5. Steve Nesterak-No
  6. Cindy Lopez-Yes
  7. Pam Davis-Yes

6 yes, 1 No

Andrea made a motion to approve the invoices listed on the agenda as follows;

  • Invoice # 200629 in the amount of $6,000
  • Invoice # 200729 in the amount of $20,000
  • Invoice # 200829 in the amount of $20,000
  • Invoice # 39149-2009 in the amount of $12,000
  • Invoice # 39149-2010 in the amount of $15,000
  • Invoice # 5 in the amount of $38,795
  • Invoice # 6 in the amount of $ 25,000

Steve seconded the motion. Ida called for a roll call and voting was as follows:

  1. Dr. Carlos Colley-Yes
  2. Andrea Nixon-Yes
  3. Ida Gordon-Yes
  4. Thea Stovell-Yes
  5. Steve Nesterak-Yes
  6. Cindy Lopez-Yes
  7. Pam Davis-Yes

Unanimous vote

Brian texted Andrea that he hasn’t been receiving the cost summary with the invoices. Steve requested the cost summary be attached to the minutes and distributed.



Meeting Adjournment

Ida made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Carlos. Ida called for a roll call and voting was as follows:

  1. Dr. Carlos Colley-Yes
  2. Andrea Nixon-Yes
  3. Ida Gordon-Yes
  4. Thea Stovell-Yes
  5. Steve Nesterak-Yes
  6. Cindy Lopez-Yes
  7. Pam Davis-Yes

Unanimous vote

Meeting was adjourned at 2:25 pm.

Next meeting will be Wednesday December 2, 2020 at 1:00 PM
Attachment(s): Cost Summary

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