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SBC Meeting Notes-10/13/2021

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Randolph Lyons School Building Committee Meeting Notes 10 13 2021

Project: Randolph Lyons Meeting Date: 10/13/2021
Time: 1:07 PM Meeting Location: Zoom
Meeting: School Building Committee Report By: Tieshia Walton
Attending: Ida Gordon, Chair (IG)*
(Andrea Nixon, Vice Chair (AN)*
William Alexopoulos *
Ron Lum*
Brian Howard (BH)*
Tieshia Walton/Daedalus
Christina Opper/Daedalus
Randall Luther/TSKP
Keith Wortzman (KW)*
Jesse Saylor/TSKP
Josh Teas/TSKP 
* Building Committee Member

Absent: Lisa Millwood,
Mohamed Shaker/TSKP
Adam Smith (AS)*
Cindy Sypher Lopez- (CL)*,
Thomas Gatzunis/Daedalus
Yugon Kim/TSKP


1. The meeting was called to order by the  Chair Ida Gordon at 1:07 PM
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes:

Andrea Nixon made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from September 29, 2021 seconded by Keith Wortzman. Ida Gordon called for a roll call and voting was as follows;
a. Andrea Nixon-Yes
b. Pam Davis-Abstain
c. Ron Lum-Yes
d. Keith Wortzman-Yes
e. Brian Howard-Yes
f. William Alexopoulos
g. Ida Gordon-Yes


3. Schematic Design Updates:

The MSBA Schematic Design Review comments were received on October 8th. The responses are currently being drafted and will be sent to the MSBA on October 22nd.

4. Community Outreach:

Thea Stovell sent a letter to the newspaper editor to get information printed about the project. Thea has shared information with numerous community members who are promoting the project. Thea is working on scheduling a community meeting on October 25th or 26th. Thea Stovell, Tieshia Walton, Christina Opper and the TSKP Team are meeting with Yvonne Watson, a community resident/advocate to discuss ideas and get support with promoting the project. Brian Howard will be sending out a Community Flyer that will make residents aware that the project will be ballot question.

Next meeting will be Wednesday, October 27, 2021 at 1:00 PM



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