6/2/2021 – SBC Meeting Notes

Project: |
Randolph Lyons School |
Meeting Date: |
6/2/2021 |
Time: |
1:06 PM |
Meeting Location: |
Zoom |
Meeting: |
School Building Committee |
Report By: |
Tieshia Walton |
Attending: |
Ida Gordon, Chair (IG)
Andrea Nixon, Vice Chair (AN)*
William Alexopoulos *
Thea Stovell (TS)*
Carlos Colley (CC)*
Ron Lum*
Brian Howard (BH)*
Pam Davis (PD)*
Steve Nesterak (SN)* |
Tieshia Walton/Daedalus
Christina Opper / Daedalus
Keith Wortzman (KW)*
Thomas Gatzunis / Daedalus
Jesse Saylor/TSKP
Randall Luther/TSKP
Yugon Kim/TSKP |
Josh Teas/TSK |
* Building Committee Member
Absent: |
Lisa Millwood*
Mohamed Shaker/TSKP
Cindy Lopez (CL*)
Adam Smith (AS) * |
Mike Bouchard/CES
Christina Tangishaka
Holly German
Lisa Frenette |
1. |
The meeting was called to order by the Vice Chair Andrea Nixon at 1:06 PM |
2. |
Approval of Meeting Minutes:
Andrea Nixon made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from May 19, 2021 seconded by Pamela Davis. Andrea Nixon called for a roll call and voting was as follows;
a. Brian Howard-Yes
b. Andrea Nixon- Yes
c. Ida Gordon-Yes
d. Thea Stovell- Yes
e. Steve Nesterak-Yes
f. Ron Lum-Yes
g. Pam Davis-Yes
h. Keith Wortzman-Yes
All were in favor and the motion was approved |
3. |
Design Updates:
- Cost Estimates are currently being done by CHA and TSKP Estimators
Jesse Saylor presented the attached presentation.
- The gym is approximately 6,000 sq feet and meets MSBA Standard Guidelines. The gym entrance is at the foyer of the school, and there is also an exit door from the gym. The gym contains side back boards for half court use, a volleyball court, with poles for a net, a traverse climbing wall, and retractable seating for 75 people. The stage is connected to the gym and cafeteria. The gym can hold 550 folding chairs and the cafeteria side can hold 100-150 folding chairs for performances. The stage has three color theatrical lightning. The proposed gym flooring is wood athletic strip. The floors will only need to be protected depending on what is being brought in, but typically you don’t have to protect if it is just chairs. TSKP will look into alternate gym flooring. There is a 10 feet court length difference between a Jr. High and High School basketball court. The climbing wall is currently about 8 feet tall and can be raised to 10 feet to become more challenging. A harness type of climbing wall will require the instructors to be licensed and inspected yearly. To accommodate more than 75 people in the retractable seating the square footage of the gym would need to be increased. The MSBA will not fund the additional square footage costs if the gym is increased beyond their standard. The District should determine what the gym will be used for. Brian recommended getting input from the recreation department.
- The project is aiming for LEED Silver Certification. TSKP will look into where we can get more points to possibly achieve Gold Certification. The building will be solar ready but solar isn’t reimbursable by the MSBA. Conduits and pathways will be added for vehicular charging stations. Ida requested that the additional cost of adding a shower be determined.
- Drawings have gone to the utility company for their review on where the project can gain utility incentive points.
4. |
Website Updates:
The new re-districting map images created by Milone and McBroom are being reviewed. Christina will need to schedule a meeting with Thea and TSKP to discuss putting the images on the website and an upcoming community presentation and narratives. |
5. |
Meeting Adjournment:
Andrea Nixon made a motion to adjourn the meeting seconded by Thea Stovell. Andrea Nixon called for a roll call and voting was as follows;
a. Carlos Colley-Yes
b. Brian Howard-Yes
c. Andrea Nixon- Yes
d. Ida Gordon-Yes
e. Thea Stovell- Yes
f. Steve Nesterak-Yes
g. William Alexopoulos-Yes
h. Ron Lum-Yes
i. Pam Davis-Yes
All were in favor and the motion was approved
Next Meeting will be Wednesday, June 16, 2021 at 1:00 PM |