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SBC Meeting Notes-8/18/2021

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Randolph School Building Committee

2021-08-18_LyonsES_SBC_Meeting Notes

Project: Randolph Lyons Meeting Date: 8/18/2021
Time: 1:06 PM Meeting Location: Zoom
Meeting: School Building Committee Report By: Tieshia Walton
Attending: Ida Gordon, Chair (IG)*
(Andrea Nixon, Vice Chair (AN)*
William Alexopoulos *
Thea Stovell (TS)*
Ron Lum*
Brian Howard (BH)*
Pam Davis (PD)*
Cindy Sypher Lopez-Sypher (CL)*,
Adam Smith (AS)*,
Pamela Davis (PD)* , Tieshia Walton/Daedalus,
Christina Opper/Daedalus,
Thomas Gatzunis/Daedalus;
Randall Luther/TSKP
* Building Committee Member

Absent: Carlos Colley (CC)*;
Lisa Millwood,
Keith Wortzman (KW)*,
Mohamed Shaker/TSKP
Jesse Saylor,
Yugon Kim/TSKP,
Josh Teas/TSKP


1. The meeting was called to order by the Vice Chair Andrea Nixon at 1:06 PM
2. Schematic Design Updates:

The Schematic Design Submittal will be submitted to the MSBA on September 8, 2021.

Ron Lum made a motion to submit the Schematic Design Submission to the MSBA on September 8, 2021, seconded by Ida Gordon. Andrea Nixon called for a roll call and voting was as follows;

a. Brian Howard-Yes
b. Andrea Nixon-Yes
c. Ida Gordon-Yes
d. Thea Stovell-Yes
e. Cindy Sypher-Lopez-Yes
f. Adam Smith
g. Ron Lum-Yes
h. Adam Smith


3. Invoice Approval:

Thea Stovell made a motion to approve Daedalus’s Invoice # 39149-07 in the amount  of $10,000 and TSKP’s invoice # 200303-15 in the amount of $30,500 seconded by Ron Lum.  Andrea Nixon called for a roll call and voting was as follows;

a.       Brian Howard-Yes
b.       Andrea Nixon-Yes
c.        Ida Gordon-Yes
d.       Thea Stovell-Yes
e.       Cindy Sypher-Lopez-Yes
f.         Ron Lum-Yes
g.       Pam Davis-Yes
h.       Adam Smith-Yes

Carlos and Thea are approving invoices before they are reviewed/approved by the Committee until a new Director of Facilities is hired.

4. Community Outreach:

Ida Gordon would like a presentation to be made to the School Committee to provide an update on the project. Ms. Gordon suggest possibly have someone within the community at the polls making voters aware that the project is on the ballot for vote. Thea Stovell had a conversation with Duong Nguyen a School Committee Member who knows of some people who are interested in establishing a Political Action Committee for the project. Ms. Stovell is waiting to get the contact information from Ms. Nguyen.


5. Meeting Adjournment:

Andrea Nixon made a motion to adjourn the meeting seconded by Ida Gordon. Andrea Nixon called for a roll call and voting was as follows;

a.       Pamela Davis- Yes
b.       Ron Lum-Yes
c.        Thea Stovell-Yes
d.       Ida Gordon-Yes
e.       Andrea Nixon-Yes
f.        Brian Howard-Yes

Next meeting will be Wednesday, August 25, 2021 at 1:00 PM



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