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SBC Meeting Notes – 10/7/2020

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Randolph School Building Committee
Meeting Notes

10/7/2020 – SBC Meeting Notes

Project: Randolph Lyons School Meeting Date: October 7, 2020
Time: 11:10 AM Meeting Location: Zoom
Meeting: School Building Committee Report By: Tieshia Walton



Ida Gordon, Chair (IG)*
Andrea Nixon, Chair (AN)*
Ronald Lum (RL)*
Thea Stovell (TS)*
Carlos Colley (CC)*
Brian Howard (BH)*
  Adam Smith *
Randall Luther / TSKP
Yugon Kim / TSKP
Jesse Saylor / TSKP
Alicia Monks / Daedalus
Richard Marks / Daedalus (RM)
Tieshia Walton / Daedalus (TW)
* Building Committee Member
** Representing Cindy Lopez



Jim Burgess (JB)*
Kevin Donovan (KD)*
Casey Haley (CH)*
Cindy Lopez (CL)*
Steve Nesterak (SN)*
Duong Nguyen (DN)*
Mike Rossini (MR)*
Judy Littlejohn *
Lisa Millwood (LM) *
Pam Davis (PD)*
Paul McDermott *
Josh Soares / Nitsch Enigneering


1. The meeting was called to order by Committee Chair Andrea Nixon at 1:11
2. Nominations for Chair and Vice Chair of the School Building Committee
Thea asked for nominations of chair of the school building committee. Ida nominated herself, Ron Lum nominated Andrea Nixon. Thea asked for a second to Mrs. Gordons nomination, and Carlos seconded. Brian seconded Andrea Nixon’s nomination. The chair called for a roll call and voting was as follows:

  1. Carlos Colley – Ida
  2. Brian Howard – Ida
  3. Adam Smith – Ida
  4. Thea Stovell – Ida
  5. Ron Lum – Andrea
  6. Andrea Nixon – Ida

By majority vote, Ida Gordon is now the chair of the School Building Committee. Richard asked that a vice-chair be elected. Ida Gordon asked for nominations for Vice Chair of the School Building Committee. Thea nominated Andrea; Ron seconded. Roll call voting was as follows:

  1. Carlos Colley – Yes
  2. Brian Howard – Yes
  3. Ida Gordon – Yes
  4. Thea Stovell – Yes
  5. Ron Lum – Yes
  6. Adam Smith – Yes
  7. Andrea Nixon – Yes

Andrea Nixon was voted unanimously as the vice-chair of the Building Committee.

3. Approval of August 11th Meeting Minutes
A motion was made by Ron to approve the August 11, 2020 meeting minutes. Carlos seconded. A roll call and voting was as follows:

  1. Carlos Colley – Yes
  2. Brian Howard – Yes
  3. Andrea Nixon – Yes
  4. Ida Gordon – Abstain
  5. Thea Stovell – Yes
  6. Ron Lum – Yes
  7. Adam Smith – Yes

Minutes were approved unanimously with one abstention.

4. Feasibility Study Updates

  • Thea, Amy Hartley-Matteston, Richard and Tieshia had a discussion with the MSBA about the Educational Program, and what information is expected to be addressed within. An updated Educational Program will be forwarded to the MSBA in December. Thea will send a copy to the School Committee.
  • The MSBA reviewed the Preliminary Design program and had questions. Responses have been forwarded to the MSBA and are under review.
  • Questions about moving the middle school into the high school will need to be answered. After review of previous meeting minutes, it was determined that there was substantial community opposition to moving the middle school students into the high school. Alicia noted the financial aspect, the high school would need work to accommodate middle school students. Carlos noted that in order for the High School to receive a large number of students, the offices currently being used by the school administration would need to be repurposed. The cost to move the school administration wouldn’t be paid by the MSBA and would be a complete Town cost. Richard and Carlos will write a memo detailing issues related to moving the middle school into the high school.
  • During the next couple of meetings, the group needs to come to a consensus on what the preferred option is to advance to the MSBA. The options currently being considered are;
    1. Option 2- Addition/ Renovation of the existing Lyons building. Will require a phasing plan. The steel heights aren’t high which will limit mechanical options.
    2. Option 3 – New school building on the existing Lyons playfield. TSKP is meeting with their civil engineer and wetlands consultant to discuss wetland buffers and the flood plain. There is 200 feet required setback from the brook. The building would therefore be built hillside adjacent to the existing building. This option is very restrictive, and approvals would be difficult. Would need to demonstrate that there are no other options. No swing space would be required.
    3. Option 4 – New school building in the current Lyons school location. Swing space would be needed (maybe Tower Hill?). TSKP will schedule a time to do a walkthrough of Tower Hill with Ron Lum. Carlos commented that the older part of Tower hill has restrictions, no elevators. Carlos doesn’t think all the Lyons kids can fit into the space.
    4. Option 5 – New School Building on the Devine Site. The existing building has some historical significance. The Historical Commission has scheduled a meeting for October 20th at 7pm to review the Application for Determination of Historical Significance.

TSKP will update the costs for all options and distribute.

5. Community Outreach

  • Jesse suggested using a documentation tool to get the communities input on each site.
  • Virtual community meetings are tentatively scheduled for October 27th, at 11am and 6:30 pm. The meetings will be livestreamed through the Towns Zoom account via YouTube. A link to the meetings will be posted to the Towns Facebook account. The intentions are for the first round of meetings be informational. Richard Marks and Randall will be panelist speakers.




Invoice Approval

Daedalus’ s two invoices in the amount of $20,000 and $6,000 were submitted for payment. The project cost summary will be emailed to Carlos for review by him and Brian.

Andrea made a motion to approve the two invoices in the amount of $20,000 and $6,000 for the Feasibility and Schematic Design that the subcommittee has reviewed, Adam seconded. Andrea called for a roll call and voting was as follows:

  1. Carlos Colley – Yes
  2. Brian Howard – Yes
  3. Ida Gordon – Yes
  4. Thea Stovell – Yes
  5. Ron Lum – Yes
  6. Adam Smith – Yes
  7. Andrea Nixon – Yes
8. Meeting adjournment.

Andrea made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ron. Andrea called for a roll call and voting was as follows:

  1. Carlos Colley – Yes
  2. Brian Howard – Yes
  3. Ida Gordon – Yes
  4. Thea Stovell – Yes
  5. Ron Lum – Yes
  6. Adam Smith – Yes
  7. Andrea Nixon – Yes

Meeting was adjourned at 2:20 pm.

Next meeting: To be scheduled.
Attached: Slide presentation dated July 9, 2020

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